
2009年6月22日—想跟用acer的大大們請益一下聽說acer送的McAfeeInternetSecuritySuite這個防毒軟體很吃電腦的處理速度跟上網速度想請問一下大大們是否正確?,AcerrecommendsMcAfeetoprotectyournewcomputer,aswellasyouridentityandprivacy.Includesantivirus,VPN,andProtectionScore.Chooseyoursecured ...,2023年4月3日—Globally,AcerconsumerPCstobesoldwithpre-installedtrialofMcAfee'ssecurity,privacy,andidentitysoftwar...

ACER的防毒軟體McAfee Internet Security Suite

2009年6月22日 — 想跟用acer的大大們請益一下聽說acer送的McAfee Internet Security Suite這個防毒軟體很吃電腦的處理速度跟上網速度想請問一下大大們是否正確?


Acer recommends McAfee to protect your new computer, as well as your identity and privacy. Includes antivirus, VPN, and Protection Score. Choose your secured ...

McAfee Press Release

2023年4月3日 — Globally, Acer consumer PCs to be sold with pre-installed trial of McAfee's security, privacy, and identity software. SAN JOSE, Calif ...


McAfee®. Personalized protection included on your new Acer PC. Acer recommends McAfee to protect your new computer, as well as your identity and privacy.


Acer recommends McAfee to protect your new computer, as well as your identity and privacy. Includes antivirus, VPN, and Protection Score. Choose your secured ...


簡單好用的全方位個人化防護產品。 Protection-Score. Online ...


McAfee日前宣布,與全球電腦大廠宏碁(Acer Inc.)簽署一項為期多年的全球性合作。宏碁將為其消費產品的客戶提供McAfee Internet Security Suite 內含SiteAdvisor(TM)。

[問題] 關於McAfee Internet Security Suite

2010年11月15日 — 請問一下我的McAfee Internet Security Suite 防毒軟體是今年6/11開始啟動的這是acer買來就送的一年版(是試用版嗎= =?) 明年6/11想先想好到底要不要續 ...

防毒只裝McAfee Internet Security Suite 可以嗎?

2015年2月5日 — 請問大家,剛拿到acer新筆電,但裡面有這套防毒McAfee Internet Security Suite, 想請問說,如果只是要看網頁、上網購物(yahoo, pchomem ,momo), ...